Past Events

Goodyear ICM Plant Tour -- November 14, 2017

Several KSU students and Akron Chapter members, along with a couple Goodyear associates who had "never been", went on a tour of Goodyear's Innovation Center Manufacturing plant.  This facility, located at the headquarters location produces tires for the racing circuit.  We started with a history of the facility, some accounting statistics, and then saw actual racing slicks for NASCAR and NHRA being made.  This tour was extremely informative and we were able to meet the people who make these tires.  


Akron Rubber Ducks Game -- August 12, 2017

The Akron Chapter enjoyed an evening baseball game at Canal Park on Saturday, August 12, 2017.  The Akron Rubber Ducks were victorious over score 1-0.  The weather was nice, the beer was cold, and a friend of one of our chapter members threw out the first pitch.  After the game, there were fireworks set to the music of Bob Seger. 


Sip & Savor -- Portage Crossing Giant Eagle

We had lots of fun learning about various wines and food pairings, while networking with fellow Akron Chapter members.
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Rubber Ducks Game -- July 2016

More baseball ......more fireworks......great time had by all!!!



Akron Metro Bus Tour -- August 2016

We had a very informational tour of the Akron Metro Bus facility.  We went up on the roof to see the solar panels, toured the building, and even rode a Metro bus through the bus wash.  The group was very impressed with the technology of this modern facility.
